Rev Up Your Dressage Scores
Lesson Four Quiz
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1. There are 3 basic, natural gaits – walk, trot and canter.
True False
Explain answer:
2. A trot is a 4-beat gait.
3. A Flying Lead Change is when you bring your horse down to a walk or trot, then immediately go into the opposite canter.
4. The horse’s neck should be raised while doing a rein back.
5. A serpentine involves half circles and diagonal lines.
6. A 12-meter circle is called a volte.
7. A Half-Halt is performed to completely stop a horse in mid stride.
8. Never see-saw on the reins.
9. The top of the Training Pyramid is Relaxation.
10. Once you get a score of 60% you can skip the next test level.
11. A score of 6 is satisfactory.
12. The rider is never judged in a dressage test.
13. Impulsion is the horse’s desire to move forward.
14. If the rider knows a lot, she does not need to train the horse in the lower levels.
15. The judges are there just to tell you how wrong your horse’s training is.
16. Equine Biomechanics tells you how the horse’s body should move.
17. It really does not matter what muscles the horse uses to move as long as his head is pulled in.
18. Horses can be lamed or injured by being ridden incorrectly.
19. The horse’s back should be dropped down to move correctly.
20. The judge does not care how you treat the horse as long as you both look good.
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