The Business of Making Money with Horses


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1. There are two ways broodmares can be proven. What are they?





2. Finish this statement:  'If she can't be ridden, shown or raced we can always  her."



3  A mare that doesn't have a winning record does not have the     to be a great broodmare.



4.  A broodmare with potential is a       and/or a    .



             5. What are the two ways to acquire a broodmare with potential to make a profit?





6. The bargain broodmare must have two things going for her.  What are they?  Please do not copy and paste your answer - use your own words.



7.  Why must the bargain broodmare have two foals on the ground?



            8.  True or False?  The best way to make money on a broodmare is to sell her.



                Explain answer:




            9.  If you want to sell the mare in foal, what type of stallion to you choose?  (Two  qualifications)





            10.  Why do you not keep a broodmare for longer than four years?




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