Dressage: Foundation for All Riding Disciplines

Lesson Six Quiz


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1. Bend the horse’s neck to turn right.

True    False

Explain answer:


2.  Do not use leg pressure to do a right bend.

True    False

Explain answer:


3. Let the inside leg keep the horse on the circle.

True    False

Explain answer:


4. The outside rein has to move forward to allow the horse to bend.

True    False

Explain answer:


5.  Be sure your inside hip drops to turn right.

True    False

Explain answer:


6.  Your leg pressure lifts the horse's back.

True    False

Explain answer:


7.  If you do not hold the horse's head in the vertical, he will be above the bit.

True    False

Explain answer:


8.  Twist your hips to the left to do a good bend on a right circle.

True    False

Explain answer:


9.  Spirals are always the same size.

True    False

Explain answer:


10.  If a horse contracts on the left, he will be bulging on the right.

True    False

Explain answer:



11. A horse can move straight if you use only one leg.

True    False

Explain answer:


12. Be sure to swing the haunches to the outside when performing a square.

True    False

Explain answer:


13. You do not twist your body when doing a U-turn.

True    False

Explain answer:


14.  Be sure you don’t create straight lines in a Figure Eight.

True    False

Explain answer:


15. When performing a Double, you are "chasing his tail".

True    False

Explain answer:


16. When doing a Spiral, drop your hips to send him over.

True    False

Explain answer:


17. Slow down your posting to slow down your horse

True    False

Explain answer:


18. On a circle, the outside leg goes back farther than the inside leg.

True    False

Explain answer:


19.  Once you get a twist in your body, and the horse bends his body, be sure not to move any more so he can do a perfect circle.

True    False

Explain answer:


20.  Your hands are connected to the hindquarters of the horse.

True    False

Explain answer:



The "tasks" count for 75% of your grade.  Please write detailed reports and take your time.

You may submit your answers as an attachment to an email in a Word document.

 Email the document to: cathyhansonqh@gmail.com   Please make sure you include your full name and email address on the document.

We will keep this simple since there is so much in this lesson.

1.  1. Practice these exercises until they become automatic. Create a pattern of connected exercises and then write an explanation of your cues and cue changes as you ride the pattern.



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