Dressage: Foundation for All Riding Disciplines

Lesson Five Quiz


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1. Be sure you drop your inside hip as you turn.

True    False

Explain answer:


2.  Your elbows remain straight.

True    False

Explain answer:


3. Raise your hands as your horse raises his head.

True    False

Explain answer:


4. As long as you look in the direction you are going, it does not matter where your torso aims.

True    False

Explain answer:


5.  Your leg does not need to ever go back farther than the girth.

True    False

Explain answer:


6.  Lean back to stop your horse

True    False

Explain answer:


7.  You only use one leg to turn your horse

True    False

Explain answer:


8.  Be sure you do not pull your horse's head down.

True    False

Explain answer:


9.  You do not need to practice the in-hand exercises once you are in the saddle doing work.

True    False

Explain answer:


10.  If the horse does not respond, he is only ill tempered.

True    False

Explain answer:



11. A positive relationship with your horse will not improve his attitude.

True    False

Explain answer:


12. When you ride, be sure your thumbs are on top.

True    False

Explain answer:


13. There should be a steep angle in your ankles for dressage

True    False

Explain answer:


14.  You must bend your horse's neck to turn him.

True    False

Explain answer:


15. Keep your leg off the horse when you turn him.

True    False

Explain answer:


16. When doing the countdown, 3:00 is where your left hip goes.

True    False

Explain answer:


17. To go straight, both hips must be level.

True    False

Explain answer:


18. The alpha horse is always the one that can control all others.

True    False

Explain answer:


19.  It is important that you make the horse submit to your will no matter what.

True    False

Explain answer:


20.  Act, do not react.

True    False

Explain answer:



The "tasks" count for 75% of your grade.  Please write detailed reports and take your time.

You may submit your answers as an attachment to an email in a Word document.

 Email the document to:   angietlr@gmail.com

     Please make sure you include your full name and email address on the document.

1.  A. Follow the directions in this lesson. Be sure the horse you are using can do the previous exercises. Get a person on the ground to watch you and give you feedback. If you have access to mirrors, that is great! Write a progress report on your old and new position. What has been easy or difficult? What is a good plan to improve your position?


        Select a second task. For extra credit, you can do both of the extra tasks.

        2. Find a willing volunteer to whom you will teach the positions. It does not matter what style they ride, or that they ride well at all. They just have to be able to sit on the horse and walk. Be safe and use your best judgement not to put someone into danger. If you can mold someone into position, you will improve your own position, and be able to solidify it into your own mind. If you learn something, teach it and you will learn it even better! Also, it may give you ideas where your own problems may arise. Write a report of your observations.



3.  Go to a show or an active barn where other people are riding. (A dressage or eventing show or barn would be great!) Watch the horses and people. Observe how the horses are moving or behaving by the way the riders are riding them. What seems to be working or not working? Why not? Write a report of your observations.


Assignment coming as an attachment? Yes    


        Questions or comments for instructor: 


Please be sure your full name and email address is entered on the form.       



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