Dressage: Foundation for All Riding Disciplines

Lesson Two Quiz


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1. Old injuries are never a problem.

True    False

Explain answer:

2.  Improper tack fit can hurt a horse.

True    False

Explain answer:

3. A horse's conformation can be improved skeletally.

True    False

Explain answer:

4. A horse's mood can be affected by his physical being.

True    False

Explain answer:

5.  Padding a too-small saddle works well.

True    False

Explain answer:

6.  Most people put their saddle too far back.

True    False

Explain answer:

7.  It is good when a horse lifts his back.

True    False

Explain answer:

8.  The horse's shoulders should be covered by the saddle.

True    False

Explain answer:

9.  In dressage, it does not matter if the horse takes big strides or short choppy ones.

True    False

Explain answer:

10.  The horse's tummy supports the back muscles.

True    False

Explain answer:



11. Please explain in paragraph form the weak points (at least 5) you feel your horse has to overcome.

12. Please explain in paragraph form the strong points (at least 5) your horse exhibits.

13. Be specific: What changes would you like to see in the way your horse moves?

14. Be specific: Explain how the saddle you plan to use fits your horse.


The assignment questions count for 75% of your grade.  Please write detailed reports and take your time.

You may also submit your assignment answers as an attachment to an email in a Word document.

 Email the document to:   angietlr@gmail.com

        Please make sure you include your full name and email address on the document.

1. Go to a local tack shop and look at different kinds of bits and saddles. Compare them and imagine using them on your horse. Discuss in a paragraph or two which ones might fit and if your horse would like them or not. Why would certain features be good or bad? Tell me any impressions you may have about them.


2. Watch a friend longing their horse, or go to a public barn and ask if you can observe someone.

How does the horse move in comparison to yours?

How does the handler behave with the horse?

Is there anything you admire about the handler, or can't stand?

        Discuss in a few paragraphs what you noticed and liked or disliked.



3. Go to a horse show as an observer. (At this point, it does not matter what kind of show you go to except it would be preferable if it were an English show of some sort.) Look at the movement of horses and check tack placement. Open your eyes and really look. Write a few paragraphs of your impressions and thoughts on what you observed.


You may also submit your assignment answers as an attachment to an email in a Word document.

 Email the document to: angietlr@gmail.com

Please make sure you include your full name and email address on the document.

Assignment coming as an attachment? Yes    


        Questions or comments for instructor: 


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