Bits, Saddle Fitting and Hoof Balance
Lesson 1 Quiz
Bits—Simple, Yet Effective!
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True-False Questions
1. Bits are very complicated since there are so many kinds.
2. Used properly bits are an important aid in getting a high performance from your horse.
3. A snaffle bit has a jointed mouthpiece.
4. Curb bits always have a curb strap or chain and always have poll action.
5. The best a bit can be is “comfortable.”
6. If your horse is not responding to a snaffle bit, switch the horse to a curb bit.
7. Curbs bits, unlike the snaffle, are designed for the rider to only use one hand on the reins.
8. When selecting a bit, it is a good idea to consider the configuration of the horse’s mouth.
9. Horses like iron mouthpieces because they are mild.
10. Changing bits can often solve your training problems.
11. Most of the time when a horse fights the bit it is because the bit is too severe.
NARRATIVE REPORT Describe your horse’s level of training.
Now describe the bit you most often use.
Why do you use it? Why is it “the appropriate” bit?
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